
Jody Strand - Trainer/Owner
THE ROAD TO THE TOP Jody Strand has been involved in the Arabian horse industry his entire life. Born into the business known as Strand's Arabian Stables, Jody, at a very early age, exhibited natural talent and ability to train horses.
Strand's equine education did not take place with top-quality, finished horses. He learned his horsemanship the old-fashioned way, by riding everything he could get his hands on. He credits his early experiences with building his abilities. "There's no replacement for the experience of showing three to four horses a show as I grew up." The youngest of five children, Jody was still in elementary school when he realized that he wanted to train horses. By the time he was 15, he was training and showing horses for clients. "I never apprenticed with anyone specifically, but I watched a lot of the top western pleasure trainers in the business, and learned something from all of them. I still learn from them today. Although, my dad taught me one of the most important lessons I've ever learned with horses, and that is to have patience." Along with patience came an enormous amount of hard work: "In this business, if you don't know how to put your nose to the grindstone, you aren't going to last," Jody says.
< Jody Strand
2005 APAHA
Western Pleasure
Trainer of the Year
In 1979, he rode Hal Gibby to a Top Ten at the U.S. Nationals. The following year, the pair added a Reserve Championship in Western Pleasure at the Canadian Nationals. Once the ribbons started, they didn't stop. Yet, it still wasn't all about great horses, as he believes the mark of a good horseman is one that can take an average horse and make it better. That ability boosted his reputation as a trainer. "If you're in a class and you are riding what might be an average horse, but it is doing its job really well, people are going to notice and wonder what you can do with their great horse." MD Heir ToFame is just one of the incredibly great horses Jody has trained over the years. Jody won multiple national championships with MD Heir ToFame, and coached the stallion's amateur owner to several national championship titles as well.
Distinguishing between the great ones who are naturally cut out for their jobs, and those who are not, is another talent Jody has developed over the years. "I'm alot more realistic about evaluating a horse's potential and making a judgement about its ability." Along with this strength, he has also earned a reputation for his honesty and solid evaluations of horses. "He's as honest as the day is long," states one of his peers. read more...